The Convert Component allows you to convert between Xml and CSV, Delimited, Positional, HL7, or EDI representations.
These alternative representations are configured in the BlueSSIS Schema editor,
which allows you to define an Xml schema with an alternative representation.
To use the Convert Component, simply drag it onto the control flow surface, and
double-click to configure. The following form is presented :

You simply select the variable containing the message you want to convert from, and the variable which will contain the converted message. You also select the direction of the conversion (
To Xml or
From Xml). To count the number of messages in an EDI envelope you can also select
Get EDI Message Count as the Conversion Mode.
If you are converting to or from an EDI format, you also need to complete the details on the EDI tab :

You need to select an EDI Configuration database, containing details of your configured EDI messages and segments. To create an EDI configuration database for the first time you'll need to create a SQL Server database and then run the script CreateEDIDB.sql from the BlueSSIS installation folder to create the required tables and stored procedures. You need to create or select a connection to such a database as the EDI Configuration Database property. This database is modified as you define EDI messages and segments, and can be shared across components.
You can also optionally select a variable to receive EDI parser warnings, and an integer variable to determine the zero-based index of the EDI document within the envelope to process (default = 0).
Configuring an alternative representation
To configure an Xml schema and associated alternative representation, click the
Edit Schema... button from the Configuration tab. This launches the
BlueSSIS Schema editor, within which you can intuitively define Xml schemas and
alternative representations.

You can enter XSD directly, or use the tree view to create a hierarchical structure interactively. You can right-click in the tree control or use the Insert menu to modify the structure. The Properties window allows you to configure advanced properties in relation to the selected item in the tree view.
To define an alternative representation, or more typically to generate an Xml schema from an alternate representation, you can use the Special Schemas form, accessible from the Tools menu and also shown by default the first time the schema editor is launched.

This form guides you through the process of defining a CSV, flat-file (positional or delimited), HL7 or EDI schema. For further details please see the associated help pages for
BlueIntegrator, our sister product on which this functionality is based, on
Special Schemas and
The Schema Editor. You may also be interested in our notes on
setting up a simple HL7 scenario.