BlueSSIS includes a range of control-flow and data-flow components designed to help you work with Xml :
The Xml Transform Component allows you to map from one Xml format to another via a sophisticated and flexible graphical mapping tool, and also enables you to convert between Xml and EDI, Xml, HL/7, delimited, positional or binary formats. |
The Advanced Map Component allows you to use the graphical mapping tool to map column data. |
The Xml Source Component allows you to expand Xml data into column data, where the originating Xml data comes from a data-flow column or a variable. This component also enables you to convert to Xml from EDI, Xml, HL/7, delimited, positional or binary formats. |
The Xml Destination Component allows you to create Xml data from column data, and then write this Xml data to a data-flow column or a variable. This component also then enables you to convert the Xml to EDI, Xml, HL/7, delimited, positional or binary formats. |
The Convert Component allows you to convert a message between EDI, Xml, HL/7, delimited, positional and binary formats. |